Don't Wait to Purchase Real Estate.

Don't Wait to Purchase Real Estate.

Should I wait for prices to decrease?


Before I begin and before people misinterpret my statements I would just like to clarify that I am not saying everyone should rush out and buy a piece of real estate tomorrow. Investing in real estate is a major decision and should be made carefully and based on your individual situation. My overall stance is that if you are ready and have the desire to buy a house, don’t wait.

Some Background

Back in 2015 many people were telling me that they were going to hold off buying a house until prices came down. In their opinion prices had appreciated too much, so similar to how people try to time the stock market (buy low and sell high) they thought they could do the same with the real estate market. Many of these people felt very strongly, even though they were not in the real estate industry so did not understand the health and dynamics of the market. I attribute this to fear. Fear of either getting caught in another 2008 housing bubble/crash and being hurt financially or fear of looking stupid because they bought at the top. Fast forward 4 years and many properties in established or upcoming Atlanta neighborhoods have appreciated over 50%. If you factor in the use of leverage (small down payment with a mortgage for the balance) a 5x return on investments is not uncommon. So although we have experienced above normal price appreciation over the past few years and you might argue that hindsight is 20/20, I will explain why these results shouldn’t be a surprise. Even if a housing correction did take place, it was still a good time to buy if you had a long-term view.

Why it was wrong to wait in 2015

By 2015 houses in high-demand areas appreciated significantly from their lows in 2008, however in my opinion those were artificial lows. The economy was terrible and the housing collapse prevented banks from lending. That caused high-quality properties to drop well below what they were worth. As the economy started to improve many of those properties returned back to where they should have been priced in the first place. This appeared to some, who weren’t following the real estate market closely, as extraordinary price increases however, it was just things returning back to normal. It was clear that the most desirable areas in Atlanta were going to continue to appreciate at a solid rate. In 2015 the market became extremely hot because of a number of factors.