
The Power of Leverage

The Power of Leverage

Should You Use Debt to Invest in Real Estate

There are a couple of schools of thought on the use of leverage (a.k.a. debt) for investing. Dave Ramsey preaches that everyone should be completely debt free and you should never use debt to acquire investments. Unfortunately that means that most of us would never have a chance to invest in real estate. I on the other hand believe that the responsible use of leverage can provide returns far superior to investments relying on cash only and dramatically accelerate the growth of your net worth while allowing you to reach goals you may have never reached otherwise. The use of leverage is one major advantage real estate investments have over others like stocks and bonds.

The Basics

The fundamental idea of using debt to invest in real estate is quite simple. You pay a portion of the purchase price for a piece of real estate with money from your savings and obtain a loan for the remainder. Although the concept is simple and the majority of people who purchase a home use this approach its true power is displayed when investing in rental properties. There are many forms of leverage and various strategies but in this post I will focus on the simplest one and the one that has provided me with great results.

Accelerated ROI

To illustrate Accelerated ROI from the use of leverage I’m going to provide two examples from my personal portfolio.