Are We In A Housing Bubble?

Housing Bubble?

Are we in a Bubble? Short answer is no. Of course there are certain areas throughout the country that could be "overvalued" or might have a price correction but based on the fundamentals we are not in a Bubble. People continually try to compare today's market with that in 2008 when the truth is today's housing market is exactly the opposite, in some keys ways, of what we saw leading up to the crash in 2008.

In contrast to 2008 we have an under supply (under building) of houses and there's no quick, short-term solution to change that. Lending standards are also much tighter than in the years leading up to 2008.

I recommend removing the "Housing Bubble" fear from your decision making process. If you're ready to buy a home then this is a great time. Of course you still need to be thoughtful and deliberate when buying a house to avoid potential mistakes.

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